Class JoinUtils


public class JoinUtils extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final String FAILED_TO_PLAN_CARTESIAN_JOIN
  • Constructor Details

    • JoinUtils

      public JoinUtils()
  • Method Details

    • checkAndReturnSupportedJoinComparator

      public static Comparator checkAndReturnSupportedJoinComparator(JoinCondition condition)
    • checkCartesianJoin

      public static boolean checkCartesianJoin(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode relNode, List<Integer> leftKeys, List<Integer> rightKeys, List<Boolean> filterNulls)
      Check if the given RelNode contains any Cartesian join. Return true if find one. Otherwise, return false.
      relNode - the RelNode to be inspected.
      leftKeys - a list used for the left input into the join which has equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null), this method will clear this list before using it.
      rightKeys - a list used for the right input into the join which has equi-join keys. It can be empty or not (but not null), this method will clear this list before using it.
      filterNulls - The join key positions for which null values will not match.
      Return true if the given relNode contains Cartesian join. Otherwise, return false
    • checkCartesianJoin

      public static boolean checkCartesianJoin(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode relNode)
      Check if the given RelNode contains any Cartesian join. Return true if find one. Otherwise, return false.
      relNode - RelNode instance to be inspected
      Return true if the given relNode contains Cartesian join. Otherwise, return false
    • addLeastRestrictiveCasts

      public static void addLeastRestrictiveCasts(LogicalExpression[] leftExpressions, VectorAccessible leftBatch, LogicalExpression[] rightExpressions, VectorAccessible rightBatch, FragmentContext context)
      Utility method used by joins to add implicit casts on one of the sides of the join condition in case the two expressions have different types.
      leftExpressions - array of expressions from left input into the join
      leftBatch - left input record batch
      rightExpressions - array of expressions from right input into the join
      rightBatch - right input record batch
      context - fragment context
    • isScalarSubquery

      public static boolean isScalarSubquery(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode root)
      Utility method to check if a subquery (represented by its root RelNode) is provably scalar. Currently only aggregates with no group-by are considered scalar. In the future, this method should be generalized to include more cases and reconciled with Calcite's notion of scalar.
      root - The root RelNode to be examined
      True if the root rel or its descendant is scalar, False otherwise
    • getJoinCategory

      public static JoinUtils.JoinCategory getJoinCategory(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode left, org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode right, org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode condition, List<Integer> leftKeys, List<Integer> rightKeys, List<Boolean> filterNulls)
    • hasScalarSubqueryInput

      public static boolean hasScalarSubqueryInput(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode left, org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode right)
      Utility method to check if a any of input RelNodes is provably scalar.
      left - the RelNode to be inspected.
      right - the RelNode to be inspected.
      Return true if any of the given RelNodes is provably scalar. Otherwise, return false
    • cartesianJoinPlanningException

      public static UnsupportedRelOperatorException cartesianJoinPlanningException()
      Creates new exception for queries that cannot be planned due to presence of cartesian or inequality join.
      new UnsupportedRelOperatorException instance