Package org.apache.drill.exec.compile
package org.apache.drill.exec.compile
Runtime code-generation, compilation and bytecode-manipulation utilities.
To achieve optimal performance in a dynamic schema environment, Drill
includes a complete code generation system for generating type-specific Java
code for most of its physical operators. This generated code is used for
scalar expression evaluation as well as value transfers between record
batches. As a new schema arrives at an operator, the schema change will be
detected and prompt runtime code generation. This runtime-generated code will
evaluate the expressions needed for the operator to process the incoming
data. As the same code will often be run on a number of nodes in the cluster,
compiled classes are stored in the distributed cache to avoid the need to re-
compile and JIT-optimize the same code on every machine.
ClassDescriptionUtilities commonly used with ASM.Class loader for "plain-old Java" generated classes.A ClassVisitor that verifies the required call sequence described in .A MethodVisitor that verifies the required call sequence according to .Implements the "plain Java" method of code generation and compilation.Selects between the two supported Java compilers: Janino and the build-in Java compiler.Compiles generated code, merges the resulting class with the template class, and performs byte-code cleanup on the resulting byte codes.Global code compiler mechanism shared by all threads and operators.Abstracts out the details of compiling code using the two available mechanisms.There's a bug in ASM's CheckClassAdapter.Maintains state while traversing a finite state machine described by an FsmDescriptor.Describes a finite state machine in terms of a mapping of tokens to characters, a regular expression describing the valid transitions using the characters, and an end state.An ASM ClassVisitor that strips class the access bits that are only possible on inner classes (ACC_PROTECTED, ACC_PRIVATE, and ACC_FINAL).A simple Writer that will forward whole lines (lines ending with a newline) to a Logger.Per-compilation unit class loader that holds both caching and compilation steps.An ASM ClassVisitor that allows for a late-bound delegate.Defines a code generation "template" which consist of: An interface that defines the generated class. A template class which implements the interface to provide "generic" methods that need not be generated. A signature that lists the methods and vector holders used by the template.