Package org.apache.drill.exec.planner.common
package org.apache.drill.exec.planner.common
ClassDescriptionA utility class that contains helper functions used by rules that convert COUNT(*) and COUNT(col) aggregates (no group-by) to DirectScanBase class for logical and physical Aggregations implemented in DrillBase class for logical and physical Filters implemented in DrillBase class for logical and physical Joins implemented in Drill.Base class for logical and physical Limits implemented in DrillBase class for logical and physical Project implemented in DrillUtility class that is a subset of the RelOptUtil class and is a placeholder for Drill specific static methods that are needed during either logical or physical planning.InputRefVisitor is a utility class used to collect all the RexInputRef nodes in a RexNode.Stores information about fields, their names and types.RexFieldsTransformer is a utility class used to convert column refs in a RexNode based on inputRefMap (input to output ref map).Base class for logical/physical scan rel implemented in Drill.Base class for logical and physical Screen implemented in DrillBase class for logical and physical Sort implemented in Drill.Wraps the stats table info including schema and tableName.Struct which contains the statistics for the entire directory structureBase class for logical and physical Values implemented in Drill.Base class for logical and physical Writer implemented in Drill.For the int type control, the meaning of each bit start from lowest: bit 0: intersect or not, 0 -- default(no intersect), 1 -- INTERSECT (DISTINCT as default) bit 1: intersect type, 0 -- default (DISTINCT), 1 -- INTERSECT_ALLA column specific equi-depth histogram which is meant for numeric data typesClass implementing OrderedPrel interface guarantees to provide ordered output on certain columns.