Package org.apache.drill.exec.planner.sql.handlers
package org.apache.drill.exec.planner.sql.handlers
ClassDescriptionVisitor that moves non-
rex node from project belowUncollect
to the left side of theCorrelate
.Handler for handling CREATE ALIAS statements.Handler for handling DROP ALIAS statements.Handler for handling DROP ALL ALIASES statements.Visitor that will identify whether the root portion of the RelNode tree contains a limit 0 pattern.Reader for column names and types.Constructs plan to be executed for inserting data into the table.Constructs plan to be executed for collecting metadata and storing it to the Metastore.A marker interface that means that this node should be finalized before execution planning.Converts aSqlNode
representing: "ALTER ..Parent class for CREATE / DROP / DESCRIBE / ALTER SCHEMA handlers.ALTER SCHEMA ADD command handler.CREATE SCHEMA command handler.DESCRIBE SCHEMA FOR TABLE command handler.Wrapper to output schema in a form of table with one column named `schema`.DROP SCHEMA command handler.ALTER SCHEMA REMOVE command handler.Converts aSqlNode
representing: "ALTER ..Representation of "SET" query result.Original show files command result holder is used as wrapper over newRecords.File
holder to maintain backward compatibility with ODBC driver etc.Handler for Create View DDL commandHandler for Drop View [If Exists] DDL command.