Class FormatSelection

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FormatSelection extends Object implements DrillTableSelection
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getFormat

      public FormatPluginConfig getFormat()
    • getAsFiles

      public List<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path> getAsFiles()
    • getSelection

      public FileSelection getSelection()
    • supportsDirPruning

      public boolean supportsDirPruning()
    • digest

      public String digest()
      Description copied from interface: DrillTableSelection
      The digest of the selection represented by the implementation. The selections that accompany Tables can modify the contained dataset, e.g. a file selection can restrict to a subset of the available data and a format selection can include options that affect the behaviour of the underlying reader. Two scans will end up being considered identical during logical planning if their digests are the same so selection implementations should override this method so that exactly those scans that really are identical (in terms of the data they produce) have matching digests.
      Specified by:
      digest in interface DrillTableSelection
      this selection's digest, normally a string built from its properties.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object