Class ParquetReaderUtility


public class ParquetReaderUtility extends Object
Utility class where we can capture common logic between the two parquet readers
  • Field Details


      public static final long JULIAN_DAY_NUMBER_FOR_UNIX_EPOCH
      Number of days between Julian day epoch (January 1, 4713 BC) and Unix day epoch (January 1, 1970). The value of this constant is 2440588L.
      See Also:

      public static final long CORRECT_CORRUPT_DATE_SHIFT
      All old parquet files (which haven't "" or "parquet-writer.version" properties in metadata) have a corrupt date shift: 4881176L days or 2 * 2440588L
      See Also:

      public static final int DATE_CORRUPTION_THRESHOLD
      The year 5000 (or 1106685 day from Unix epoch) is chosen as the threshold for auto-detecting date corruption. This balances two possible cases of bad auto-correction. External tools writing dates in the future will not be shifted unless they are past this threshold (and we cannot identify them as external files based on the metadata). On the other hand, historical dates written with Drill wouldn't risk being incorrectly shifted unless they were something like 10,000 years in the past.

      public static final int DRILL_WRITER_VERSION_STD_DATE_FORMAT
      Version 2 (and later) of the Drill Parquet writer uses the date format described in the Parquet spec. Prior versions had dates formatted with CORRECT_CORRUPT_DATE_SHIFT
      See Also:

      public static final String ALLOWED_DRILL_VERSION_FOR_BINARY
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ParquetReaderUtility

      public ParquetReaderUtility()
  • Method Details

    • checkDecimalTypeEnabled

      public static void checkDecimalTypeEnabled(OptionManager options)
    • getIntFromLEBytes

      public static int getIntFromLEBytes(byte[] input, int start)
    • getColNameToSchemaElementMapping

      public static Map<String,org.apache.parquet.format.SchemaElement> getColNameToSchemaElementMapping(org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata footer)
      Map full schema paths in format `a`.`b`.`c` to respective SchemaElement objects.
      footer - Parquet file metadata
      schema full path to SchemaElement map
    • getFullColumnPath

      public static String getFullColumnPath(org.apache.parquet.column.ColumnDescriptor column)
      generate full path of the column in format `a`.`b`.`c`
      column - ColumnDescriptor object
      full path in format `a`.`b`.`c`
    • getColNameToColumnDescriptorMapping

      public static Map<String,org.apache.parquet.column.ColumnDescriptor> getColNameToColumnDescriptorMapping(org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata footer)
      Map full column paths to all ColumnDescriptors in file schema
      footer - Parquet file metadata
      column full path to ColumnDescriptor object map
    • autoCorrectCorruptedDate

      public static int autoCorrectCorruptedDate(int corruptedDate)
    • correctDatesInMetadataCache

      public static void correctDatesInMetadataCache(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata)
    • transformBinaryInMetadataCache

      public static void transformBinaryInMetadataCache(MetadataBase.ParquetTableMetadataBase parquetTableMetadata, ParquetReaderConfig readerConfig)
      Transforms values for min / max binary statistics to byte array. Transformation logic depends on metadata file version.
      parquetTableMetadata - table metadata that should be corrected
      readerConfig - parquet reader config
    • detectCorruptDates

      public static ParquetReaderUtility.DateCorruptionStatus detectCorruptDates(org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata footer, List<SchemaPath> columns, boolean autoCorrectCorruptDates)
      Check for corrupted dates in a parquet file. See Drill-4203
    • checkForCorruptDateValuesInStatistics

      public static ParquetReaderUtility.DateCorruptionStatus checkForCorruptDateValuesInStatistics(org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata footer, List<SchemaPath> columns, boolean autoCorrectCorruptDates)
      Detect corrupt date values by looking at the min/max values in the metadata. This should only be used when a file does not have enough metadata to determine if the data was written with an external tool or an older version of Drill (ParquetRecordWriter.WRITER_VERSION_PROPERTY < DRILL_WRITER_VERSION_STD_DATE_FORMAT) This method only checks the first Row Group, because Drill has only ever written a single Row Group per file.
      footer - parquet footer
      columns - list of columns schema path
      autoCorrectCorruptDates - user setting to allow enabling/disabling of auto-correction of corrupt dates. There are some rare cases (storing dates thousands of years into the future, with tools other than Drill writing files) that would result in the date values being "corrected" into bad values.
    • getType

      public static TypeProtos.MajorType getType(org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName type, org.apache.parquet.schema.OriginalType originalType, int precision, int scale)
      Builds major type using given OriginalType originalType or PrimitiveTypeName type. For DECIMAL will be returned major type with scale and precision.
      type - parquet primitive type
      originalType - parquet original type
      scale - type scale (used for DECIMAL type)
      precision - type precision (used for DECIMAL type)
      major type
    • getMinorType

      public static TypeProtos.MinorType getMinorType(org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName type, org.apache.parquet.schema.OriginalType originalType)
      Builds minor type using given OriginalType originalType or PrimitiveTypeName type.
      type - parquet primitive type
      originalType - parquet original type
      minor type
    • containsComplexColumn

      public static boolean containsComplexColumn(org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata footer, List<SchemaPath> columns)
      Check whether any of columns in the given list is either nested or repetitive.
      footer - Parquet file schema
      columns - list of query SchemaPath objects
    • getComplexTypes

      public static List<TypeProtos.MajorType> getComplexTypes(List<org.apache.parquet.schema.OriginalType> originalTypes)
      Converts list of OriginalTypes to list of TypeProtos.MajorTypes. NOTE: current implementation cares about OriginalType.MAP and OriginalType.LIST only converting it to TypeProtos.MinorType.DICT and TypeProtos.MinorType.LIST respectively. Other original types are converted to null, because there is no certain correspondence (and, actually, a need because these types are used to differentiate between Drill's MAP and DICT (and arrays of thereof) types when constructing TupleSchema) between these two.
      originalTypes - list of Parquet's types
      list containing either null or type with minor type TypeProtos.MinorType.DICT or TypeProtos.MinorType.LIST values
    • isLogicalListType

      public static boolean isLogicalListType(org.apache.parquet.schema.GroupType groupType)
      Checks whether group field approximately matches pattern for Logical Lists:
       <list-repetition> group <name> (LIST) {
         repeated group list {
           <element-repetition> <element-type> element;
      (See for more details: Note, that standard field names 'list' and 'element' aren't checked intentionally, because Hive lists have 'bag' and 'array_element' names instead.
      groupType - type which may have LIST original type
      whether the type is LIST and nested field is repeated group
      See Also:
    • isLogicalMapType

      public static boolean isLogicalMapType(org.apache.parquet.schema.GroupType groupType)
      Checks whether group field matches pattern for Logical Map type:
       <map-repetition> group <name> (MAP) {
         repeated group key_value {
           required <key-type> key;
           <value-repetition> <value-type> value;
      Note, that actual group names are not checked specifically.
      groupType - parquet type which may be of MAP type
      whether the type is MAP
      See Also:
    • getDataMode

      public static TypeProtos.DataMode getDataMode(org.apache.parquet.schema.Type.Repetition repetition)
      Converts Parquet's Type.Repetition to Drill's TypeProtos.DataMode.
      repetition - repetition to be converted
      data mode corresponding to Parquet's repetition