Class Decimal38DenseVector.Mutator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public final class Decimal38DenseVector.Mutator extends BaseValueVector.BaseMutator
Decimal38Dense.Mutator implements a mutable vector of fixed width values. Elements in the vector are accessed by position from the logical start of the vector. Values should be pushed onto the vector sequentially, but may be randomly accessed. NB: this class is automatically generated from ValueVectorTypes.tdd using FreeMarker.
  • Method Details

    • set

      public void set(int index, DrillBuf value)
      Set the element at the given index to the given value. Note that widths smaller than 32 bits are handled by the DrillBuf interface.
      index - position of the bit to set
      value - value to set
    • setSafe

      public void setSafe(int index, DrillBuf value)
    • setSafe

      public void setSafe(int index, int start, DrillBuf buffer)
    • set

      public void set(int index, Decimal38DenseHolder holder)
    • setSafe

      public void setSafe(int index, Decimal38DenseHolder holder)
    • setSafe

      public void setSafe(int index, NullableDecimal38DenseHolder holder)
    • set

      public void set(int index, int start, DrillBuf buffer)
    • generateTestData

      public void generateTestData(int count)
      Specified by:
      generateTestData in interface ValueVector.Mutator
      generateTestData in class BaseValueVector.BaseMutator
    • setValueCount

      public void setValueCount(int valueCount)
      Description copied from interface: ValueVector.Mutator
      Sets the number of values that is stored in this vector to the given value count. WARNING! Once the valueCount is set, the vector should be considered immutable.
      valueCount - value count to set.