Class ContainerRequestSpec


public class ContainerRequestSpec extends Object
Describes a container request in terms of priority, memory, cores and placement preference. This is a simplified version of the YARN ContainerRequest structure. This structure is easier to use within the app, then is translated to the YARN structure when needed.
  • Field Details

    • priority

      public int priority
      Application-specific priority. Drill-on-Yarn uses the priority to associate YARN requests with a Scheduler. When the resource allocation arrives, we use the priority to trace back to the scheduler that requested it, and from there to the task to be run in the allocation.

      For this reason, the priority is set by the Drill-on-YARN application; it is not a user-adjustable value.

    • memoryMb

      public int memoryMb
      Memory, in MB, required by the container.
    • vCores

      public int vCores
      Number of "virtual cores" required by the task. YARN allocates whole CPU cores and does not support fractional allocations.
    • disks

      public double disks
      Number of virtual disks (channels, spindles) to request. Not supported in Apache YARN, is supported in selected distributions.
    • nodeLabelExpr

      public String nodeLabelExpr
      Node label expression to apply to this request.
    • racks

      public List<String> racks
    • hosts

      public List<String> hosts
  • Constructor Details

    • ContainerRequestSpec

      public ContainerRequestSpec()
  • Method Details

    • makeRequest

      public org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient.ContainerRequest makeRequest()
      Create a YARN ContainerRequest object from the information in this object.