Today, we’re happy to announce the availability of Drill 1.16.0. You can download it here.

This release provides the following bug fixes and improvements:

Table Statistics

The ANALYZE TABLE statement computes statistics and generates histograms for numeric data types.

Schema Provisioning for Text Files

The CREATE OR REPLACE SCHEMA command defines a schema for text files. (In Drill 1.16, this feature is in preview status.)

Parquet Metadata Caching Improvements

The REFRESH TABLE METADATA command can generate metadata cache files for specific columns.

Drill Web UI Enhancements

Enhancements include:
- Storage plugin management improvements
- Query progress indicators and warnings
- Ability to limit the result size for better UI response
- Ability to sort the list of profiles in the Drill Web UI
- Display query state in query result page
- Button to reset the options filter

You can find a complete list of improvements and JIRAs resolved in the 1.16.0 release here.