Storage Plugin Registration

You connect Drill to data sources, such as a file system, Hive, or HBase through storage plugins. You can see the default enabled and disabled storage plugins on the Storage page in the Drill Web UI. You can easily enable and disable storage plugins, reconfigure storage plugins, and create new storage plugin configurations, as described in Configuring Storage Plugins.

If HTTPS support is not enabled (the default), go to http://<IP address>:8047/storage to view and configure a storage plugin. IP address is the host name or IP address of one of the installed Drillbits in a distributed system or localhost in an embedded system. If HTTPS support is enabled and you are authorized to view and configure a storage plugin, go to https://<IP address>:8047/storage.

The Drill installation registers the following storage plugin configurations, with the cp and dfs storage plugins enabled by default; you must enable the other storage plugins:

  • cp Points to JAR files in the Drill classpath, such as employee.json that you can query.
  • dfs Points to the local file system, but you can configure this storage plugin to point to any distributed file system, such as a Hadoop or S3 file system.
  • hbase Provides a connection to HBase.
  • hive Integrates Drill with the Hive metadata abstraction of files, HBase, and libraries to read data and operate on SerDes and UDFs.
  • mongo Provides a connection to MongoDB data.
  • kafka Provides a connection to Kafka.
  • kudu Provides a connection to Kudu.
  • opentsdb Provides a connectin to OpenTSDB.

In the Drill sandbox, the dfs storage plugin configuration connects you to a Hadoop environment pre-configured with Drill. If you install Drill, dfs connects you to the root of your file system.

Registering a Storage Plugin Configuration

To register a new storage plugin configuration, enter a storage name, click CREATE, provide a configuration in JSON format, and click UPDATE.

In Drill 1.2 and later, updating a storage plugin configuration and other storage plugin tasks require authorization if security is enabled.

Storage Plugin Configuration Persistence

Drill saves storage plugin configurations in a temporary directory (embedded mode) or in ZooKeeper (distributed mode). For example, on Mac OS X, Drill uses /tmp/drill/sys.storage_plugins to store storage plugin configurations. The temporary directory clears when you reboot. When you run drill in embedded mode, add the option to the drill-override.conf file and the path for storing the plugin configurations. For example:

 drill.exec: {
 	cluster-id: "drillbits1",
 	zk.connect: "localhost:2181","/mypath"

See Persistent Configuration Storage for more information.