Configuring ODBC on Mac OS X

ODBC driver managers use configuration files to define and configure ODBC data sources and drivers. To configure an ODBC connection for Mac OS X, note the following procedure:

Step 1: Driver Installer Updates Sample Configuration Files

Before you connect to Drill through an ODBC client tool on Mac OS X, the driver installer copies the following configuration files in /Library/mapr/drill/Setup to your home directory unless the files already exist in your home directory:

  • mapr.drillodbc.ini
  • odbc.ini
  • odbcinst.ini

In your home directory, rename the files as hidden files. Use sudo if necessary:

  • .mapr.drillodbc.ini
  • .odbc.ini
  • .odbcinst.ini

The installer for Mac OS X creates a sample user DSN in odbc.ini in either of the following locations:

  • ~/Library/ODBC/odbc.ini
  • ~/.odbc.ini

Depending on the driver manager you use, the user DSN in one of these files will be effective.


The System and User DSN use different ini files in different locations on OS X.

Step 2: Set Environment Variables

The driver installer installs the .mapr.drillodbc.ini file to your home directory and adds an entry to the $HOME/.odbc.ini file.

If you installed the iODBC driver manager using the DMG, the dynamic linker (DYLD) libraries are installed in /usr/local/iODBC/lib. The launchd.conf file contains contents such as the following:

setenv MAPRDRILLINI /Users/joeuser/.mapr.drillodbc.ini
setenv ODBCINI /Users/joeuser/.odbc.ini

Restart the Mac OS X or run launchctl load /etc/launchd.conf.

Step 3: Define the ODBC Data Sources in .odbc.ini

Define the ODBC data sources in the ~/.odbc.ini configuration file for your environment.

You set the following properties for using Drill in embedded mode:


You set the following properties for using Drill in distributed mode:

ZKQuorum=<host name>:<port>,<host name>:<port> . . . <host name>:<port>
ZKClusterID=<cluster name in `drill-override.conf`>

Authentication Properties

If the Drillbit requires authentication, uncomment the AuthenticationType, add an AuthenticationType, and configure properties. If the Drillbit does not require authentication (or to configure no password protection), you can use the No Authentication option. You do not need to configure additional settings.

  • Kerberos
    • See the MIT Kerberos documentation for installing and configuring a Kerberos environment, which is beyond the scope of the information provided here.
    • To specify the Kerberos mechanism:
      • Set the AuthenticationType to Kerberos.
      • Set the KrbServiceHost property to the FQDN of the Drill server host.
      • Set the KrbServiceName property to the Kerberos service principal name of the Drill server.
  • Plain (or Basic Authentication)
    • Configure the UID to an appropriate name for accessing the Drill server.
    • Set the PWD property to the password corresponding to the UID.

To configure no password protection, select No Authentication.

Direct and ZooKeeper Quorum Properties

To use Drill in distributed mode, set ConnectionType to Zookeeper, get the ZKQuorum and ZKClusterID values from the drill-override.conf file, and define the ZKQuorum and ZKClusterID properties. Format ZKQuorum as a comma separated list of ZooKeeper nodes in the following format: <host name/ip address> : <port number>, <host name/ip address> : <port number>, . . .

For example:

  • ZKQuorum=centos23:5181,centos28:5181,centos29:5181
  • ZKClusterID=docs41cluster-drillbits

To use Drill in local mode, do not define the ZKQuorum and ZKClusterID properties. Start Drill using the drill-localhost command, set ConnectionType to Direct, and define HOST and PORT properties. For example:

  • HOST=<IP address of drillbit>:5181
  • PORT=31010

Driver Configuration Options describes configuration options available for controlling the behavior of DSNs using the Drill ODBC Driver.

Sample Configuration File

The following sample shows a possible configuration for using Drill in embedded mode.


The password should be provided in the connection string or ODBC application at connection time, not in the INI file.

# Specify any global ODBC configuration here such as ODBC tracing.

[ODBC Data Sources]
MapR Drill=MapR Drill ODBC Driver

[MapR Drill]
# Description: DSN Description.
# This key is not necessary and only describes the data source.
Description=MapR Drill ODBC Driver
# Driver: The location where the ODBC driver is installed.

# The DriverUnicodeEncoding setting is only used for SimbaDM
# When set to 1, SimbaDM runs in UTF-16 mode.
# When set to 2, SimbaDM runs in UTF-8 mode.

# Values for ConnectionType, AdvancedProperties, Catalog, Schema should be set here.

# If ConnectionType is Direct, include Host and Port. If ConnectionType is ZooKeeper, include ZKQuorum and ZKClusterID
# They can also be specified on the connection string.
# AuthenticationType: No authentication; Plain; Kerberos;
ZKQuorum=[Zookeeper Quorum]
ZKClusterID=[Cluster ID]

# The DriverUnicodeEncoding setting is only used for MapRDM

Step 4: Configure the Drill ODBC Driver

Configure the Drill ODBC Driver for your environment by modifying the .mapr.drillodbc.ini configuration file. This configures the driver to work with your ODBC driver manager. The following sample shows a possible configuration, which you can use as is if you installed the default iODBC driver manager.


## - Note that this default DriverManagerEncoding of UTF-32 is for iODBC.


Configuring .mapr.drillodbc.ini

To configure the Drill ODBC Driver in the .mapr.drillodbc.ini configuration file, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the .mapr.drillodbc.ini configuration file in a text editor.

  2. Edit the DisableAsync setting if you want to enable a synchronous ODBC connection for performance reasons. Change the default 0 to 1 to disable the asynchronous and enable the synchronous connection. A change in state occurs during driver initialization and is propagated to all driver DSNs.

**Note**: As of version 1.3.8 of the driver, the DriverManagerEncoding setting is automatically detected and set if necessary. The value depends on the driver manager used; it's typically UTF-16 or UTF-32. iODBC uses UTF-32 and unixODBC uses UTF-16.
  1. Save the .mapr.drillodbc.ini configuration file.

Next Step

Refer to Testing the ODBC Connection.