LTSV Format Plugin

Starting in Drill 1.16, Drill provides a LTSV (Labeled Tab-separated Values) format plugin, which enables Drill to query files with the .LTSV file extension. LTSV is a text file format. Each line in a LTSV file has the following structure:

time:<value> TAB host:<value> TAB forwardedfor:<value> TAB req:<value> TAB status:<value> TAB size:<value> TAB referer:<value> TAB ua:<value> TAB reqtime:<value> TAB apptime:<value> TAB vhost:<value> NEWLINE

For more information about the LTSV file format, see LTSV (Labeled Tab-separated Values).

Configuring the LTSV Format Plugin

Add the LTSV format to the dfs storage plugin configuration, as shown:

"formats": {
    "ltsv": {
      "type": "ltsv",
      "extensions": [

Example: Querying a LTSV File

Each line in a LTSV file has the following structure:

time:<value> TAB host:<value> TAB forwardedfor:<value> TAB req:<value> TAB status:<value> TAB size:<value> TAB referer:<value> TAB ua:<value> TAB reqtime:<value> TAB apptime:<value> TAB vhost:<value> NEWLINE

Sample data:

time:30/Nov/2016:00:55:08 +0900<TAB><TAB>forwardedfor:-<TAB>req:GET /v1/xxx HTTP/1.1<TAB>status:200<TAB>size:4968<TAB>referer:-<TAB>ua:Java/1.8.0_131<TAB>reqtime:2.532<TAB>apptime:2.532<TAB>
time:30/Nov/2016:00:56:37 +0900<TAB><TAB>forwardedfor:-<TAB>req:GET /v1/yyy HTTP/1.1<TAB>status:200<TAB>size:412<TAB>referer:-<TAB>ua:Java/1.8.0_201<TAB>reqtime:3.580<TAB>apptime:3.580<TAB>

The following query selects the second row from the sample data shown:

0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/sample.ltsv` WHERE reqtime > 3.0;
|            time             |       host       | forwardedfor  |          req          | status  | size  | referer  |       ua        | reqtime  | apptime  |      vhost       |
| 30/Nov/2016:00:56:37 +0900  |  | -             | GET /v1/yyy HTTP/1.1  | 200     | 412   | -        | Java/1.8.0_201  | 3.580    | 3.580    |  |