
Drill supports the scalar statistical functions shown in the following table.

Table of statistical functions

Function Return Type Description
width_bucket(value, min, max, buckets) INT Returns the 1-based bucket index of the value after dividing the interval between min and max into the given number of buckets


Returns the 1-based bucket index of value after dividing the interval between min and max into the given number of buckets. A value that falls outside the given range are given an index of 0 (value < min) or buckets + 1 (value > max).


WIDTH_BUCKET( value, min, max, buckets )


apache drill> select width_bucket(3, 0, 10, 5);
EXPR$0  2

1 row selected (0.201 seconds)

apache drill> select width_bucket(1000, 0, 10, 5);
EXPR$0  6

1 row selected (0.131 seconds)